Some Loving Inspiration

101 Ways to Practice Self-Love

Self-love is a tricky thing. We all want it. We all need it. But, how do we get it? Because it’s not just something you can go to the store to buy. Below you’ll find a list of 101 things on how to practice self-love. Ranging from things you can do, videos you can watch, podcasts you can listen to, ways of thinking you can adopt, books you can read, challenges you can do, mindset shifts you can use, and much, much more. As always, read with an open mind, ...

The Importance of Self Care and Putting Your Own Needs First (It Doesn’t Make You a Bad Person!)

A beautiful guest post by a beautiful writer, Jennifer Baxter. (If just reading the words “putting your own needs first” in that title made you cringe a little, this post is for you.) Are you the type of person who does everything for everyone? You cook the meals, you clean the house, you take on the extra projects at work, you coach the kids’ sporting events, you volunteer… and then at the very end of the day, if you have any time or energy left, you might pay attention to ...

12 Traits of Authentically Kind, Strong Women

A large part of my work is coaching women to get MORE. More happiness, more life, more laughter, more self-love, and more self-acceptance. Allowing them to deepen their connection with themselves and ultimately, become stronger. But what does stronger mean? While it can mean different things for different people, there are 12 traits I almost always consistently see amongst kind, caring, compassionate, strong women…   1. They don’t take things personally Instead they understand that others’ are on their own path and the reason that person is coming off as ...

Hot Yoga, Failure & We’re All Just Human. A Super Short Story.

  Why is it that we push ourselves and push ourselves and don’t allow ourselves the space to fail? The space to grow? I called up one of my best girlfriends the other day, explaining to her how I spent the better half of the day before reminding myself that it’s OK to fail. That I don’t have to be perfect. Because I taught a hot yoga class … and it was horrible. The room was too hot. I went 11 minutes over. I was “yelling.” And people came out ...

The 11 Most Powerful Phrases You Should be Using More

What we tell ourselves shapes our outside world. The problem is most of us aren’t really aware of the things we’re saying to ourselves until we start tuning-in. And then, it’s easy to get freaked out because the things we’re saying are usually pretty gosh-darn harsh. So instead of thinking about what you need to be thinking and saying less, start thinking about what you need to be thinking and saying more. Below you’ll find 11 powerful phrases that’ve helped hundreds of coaching clients and can help you too. More ...

Read This When Your Heart Aches, You Feel Like You’ve Failed & You Feel Like No One Understands (it’ll help)

Pain – the kind where you can’t remember when you last washed your hair, you only leave the house when food becomes necessary to eat, and you wake up every morning with your heart aching deep in your chest – has caused some of the most awesomely miraculous change in my life. Now, if you were to tell me at these times how good my pain would eventually be for me, I would’ve rolled my eyes, wished our conversation was over, and returned to my computer… trying to work. Now ...

Mindful Eating 101 & What You Really Need to Know

Years ago, I remember – vaguely – someone explaining mindful eating to me. Mindful eating, I was told, was where you’re fully present in your eating experience. You’re aware of your hunger level, fullness factor, your food’s taste and texture, it’s aroma, etc. There are no “off-limit” foods. No counting calories. And for sure no formal meal plans. I – being someone who grew up watching (and hearing) their mother relentlessly count calories to remain at a healthy weight … and being someone who followed suit – was petrified of ...

What You Really Need Instead of Another Diet…

I’ve literally spent years working on becoming comfortable speaking my truth. Telling a friend I didn’t like the way their actions made me feel. Voicing to a boyfriend that his comment really made me feel unwanted. Speaking up about frustrations at work with no sense of fear or concern – just raw, total, and utter honesty. Is this something that comes naturally? No. At least not for me. It’s something I practice. Something I show up for. Because now that I’ve done it – I know there’s no going back ...

8 Rules Confident Happy Women Live By

  The other week, I wrapped-up my last group coaching call with an amazing group of kind, caring, compassionate women who set the groundwork for a healthier life in all areas – food, their body, themselves. On the call, I was discussing what the most successful women do after they finish the program. Of course, what was a bit surprising was that the majority of the points weren’t actions, but ways of thinking, or viewing the world, really. I wanted to share these viewpoints with you because if you really ...

What Most Women Don’t Realize & How It’s Blocking Your Health & Happiness

I’ve always had a problem creating healthy boundaries. My tendency is always to say YES. These last couple of years I’ve worked to have that not be the case. To rewrite that script. And luck have it, the other day, my story had the chance to be rewritten. And I realized (front, dead and center) one of the coolest lessons. So cool, in fact, I just had to share it with you. So – the other day – a note popped up on my phone. An acquaintance, someone who I ...