Amy E. Smith, certified confidence coach, speaker, personal empowerment expert, and owner and founder of Joy Junkie Enterprises, shares how to stop people pleasing and how to start speaking up for yourself. She offers practical useful tools to begin creating and using boundary statements in your everyday life that allow you to speak up for yourself while still living with integrity. She shows us that speaking up for yourself can be done with compassion and care, and it doesn’t have to come from a place of malice or come across as if you don’t care. If you struggle with people pleasing, setting boundaries, or saying “no,” this episode is a must-listen.
Inside the episode, we talk:
- Amy’s personal story of growing up people pleasing and how she stopped
- What is people pleasing?
- Why do we do it?
- How to start speaking up for yourself
- The difference between intention and reception
- How to create boundary statements with compassion, care, and integrity
- How to deal with family when they make challenging food or body comments
- How to use gratitude and intention in boundary statements and when making requests
- And so much more