How to Get What You Want


How to Get What You Want

Do you have doubts and fears?

Have you ever failed?

Has the thought, “Am I good enough?” ever crossed your mind?



That means you’re trying. That you’re showing up. That you’re putting yourself out there.

That also means that you’re a human being having a human experience.

More importantly … it means you’re not alone.


Life is our biggest teacher.

I always remind my clients that “the work” really happens in-between our sessions. When the totally unexpected happens. When the uncomfortable occurs. When an important decision needs to be made that only YOU know how to answer for you.

But, the truth is, we can’t get to where we want to go, if we have no idea where our soul most desperately wants to flow. To do this, we have to be awake. Be present. And be conscience. More importantly, we have to be able to know how we ultimately want to FEEL.

Getting clear on how you want to feel and then choosing actions that align with how you want to feel is the ultimate key to long-lasting self-love, peace, and acceptance – in every area of your life.

That group of people makes you feel bad? Stop seeing them so much.

You not communicating with your partner makes you feel frustrated? Speak your truth from a loving place and hash it out.

Not eating enough fresh whole foods and feeling sluggish?  Eat more real fresh food.

It’s that simple … yet that hard.

But once you’re awake and tuned-in to you … it’s hard to live any other way.



Want in on a big (top) secret?

Feeling the energy of being where you want to be will help you get there even faster.

Want more love? Give out more love. Feel more love. Choose to only focus on your loving relationships. And presto-chango, you’ll naturally attract more love.

Want to feel healthier? Feel healthier! Really see it. Envision it. Embody it. Ever most awesomely, you’ll naturally start to make healthier choices.

Want to stop mindlessly eating? Feel what it feels like to be at peace and present with your food (even if just for a minute). And the key – keep trying it.

Fake it until you make it, and eventually, you (absolutely) will make it.

Take a minute, breathe and feel how you want to feel every. single. day. And in your moments, where you’re trying to go there – feel it, see it, be it.

Embrace the feeling of where you want to go and you’ll naturally start to attract more of that into your life, until eventually you’re in that feel-good space.

Trust me.


“Shift the focus from what you want to do, to how you want to be… how you want to feel.”

-Denise Linn


A little story, as an example

A few months ago, my partner, unexpectedly ended our relationship, and it was soul crushing. A couple days after that, we had to put our dog down due to a long fight with cancer. And just a couple weeks before that, I had found one of our cats (shockingly) dead on the porch. Here I was, thinking a ring (and a family) was around the corner, and instead … I lost my best friend, two fur-babies, and my home … I felt scared, alone, and lost.

Not having a home was the hardest piece for me … I’d have moments of complete and utter total panic. But I continued to (literally, on a moment-to-moment basis) envision, breathe, and have complete faith that this was a sign. This man wasn’t the right path for me … he wasn’t my person. And yes, I absolutely would find a perfect home for me.

I continued to choose love over fear (while truly feeling my feelings, even though I really hated them), and I envisioned my perfect home. I felt what it felt like. I saw it. I smelled it. I imagined how I’d feel sitting on my sofa with a cozy blanket and a cup of hot tea. Every day I saw it + felt it.

It took some time to eventually find it, but the point is, I envisioned, I FELT IT, I embodied how my new place would feel, I kept trying … even in the utter, total and complete darkness and it happened. I didn’t know how it’d happen, but I had faith it would.

Sometimes that’s all you need.

And that may be all you need too.


Envision it. Dream it. Feel it.

I tell you this NOT to feel bad for me but because anything is possible. When you show up every day, truly do the work, and connect with yourself, your heart will lead the way and things will work out – 100%.

So ENVISION. DREAM. FEEL how you want to FEEL and eventually your actions and the Universe/Spirit/God (whatever you want to call it) will align with your path. But, it all starts with YOU. So whatever you do, keep going. Have that faith. And trust that YES, you’re on the right path.


“What you hope, you will eventually believe. What you believe you will eventually know. What you know, you will eventually create. What you create, you will eventually experience. What you experience, you will eventually express. What you express, you will eventually become. This is the formula for all of life.”

-Neale Donald Walsch


Sending you so much love,

xoxo Corinne


P.S. Want to get on your path faster? Discover the tools that no one really teaches, but every kind, caring, compassionate woman should know in order to transform her relationship with food, herself, and her body here – you don’t want to miss this xxo