Office location, email, phone & fax
Appointments available in-person or over video*
Address: 205 Camino Alto, Suite 205, Mill Valley, California, 94941
Email: Corinne[at]
Phone: 415.737.9981
Fax: 415.801.0198
*Secure, HIPAA-Compliant video appointments are available for those in California and select states in the U.S. (specifically, any state that is not red on this map)
Session hours
Mondays: 2-6 pm (Virtual or in-person)
Tuesdays: 10 am – 3 pm pst (Virtual or in-person)
Wednesdays: 10 am – 3 pm pst (Virtual or in-person)
Thursdays: 10 am – 3 pm pst (Virtual or in-person)
Friday virtual appointments as needed
Interested in working together?
If you are interested in working together, please email me at Corinne[at], and we will set up a discovery meeting to see if we are a fit to possibly work together.
Note: You can phone me at 415-737-9981, if you like, but email will provide you with a faster response for all inquiries. My email is Corinne[at] Thank you!