Kristina Bruce, Certified Body Trust Provider and Body Acceptance Coach, joins us for the concluding episode of season 3 (and it’s an episode not to miss). Kristina delves into letting go of the thin ideal, privileges of being in a smaller body, weight stigma, what learning to accept your body really looks like, and so much more. Kristina also shares her personal food and body story and how she stopped equating her worth with her weight.
More specifically, Kristina talks about:
- Her family’s involvement in her feelings about her body and weight
- How her perception of her appearance affected her feelings of worth
- How people treated her differently when she lost weight (and what happened when the weight came back)
- How Kristina’s identity became wrapped up with health and wellness
- How food and striving to control her body affected her romantic relationship
- How Kristina stopped equating her worth with her weight and left diet culture
- Thin privilege
- Working with the fear of weight gain
- Weight science
- Changing the narrative around weight and health
- How to accept your body when weight stigma and thin privilege exists
- Finding value and worth outside of your appearance
- Helpful tools as weight gain happens
- And so much more!
Kristina’s website // instagram // facebook // YouTube