Inside this episode, Nutrition Therapist & Registered Dietitian, Emily Fonnesbeck joins me for a conversation you don’t want to miss. Inside, Emily shares her personal story of orthorexia, body preoccupation and dieting – not to mention a number of practical tools on body image healing and food freedom and so much more!
Inside the show, we talk:
- How Emily’s work at a weight loss resort transitioned her into a non-diet approach
- Emily’s personal experience with orthorexia and body preoccupation
- Why food decisions are not just about food
- The importance of bringing curiosity into our food choices
- How to explore the intentions behind your food choices and why you’d even want to
- How to begin trusting your body
- Using instinct in your food choices
- Peeling back fear
- Why intuitive eating is often scarier than dieting
- What “weight neutral” even means
- How to get away from weight being so important
- The paradigm shift of not focusing on weight or external appearance
- What real positive body image is
- Giving yourself permission to live according to what you value
- Self-acceptance
- How to enter the growth-mindset
- Resilience
- Why you can have self-acceptance and still want to shift things
- Why cravings aren’t scary and what they’ll really tell you
- How to get out of the good V bad food mentality
- Separating worth and value from appearance
- Exercises for healing body image
- Intuitive Eating
- Emily’s Blog on Cravings: Your Cravings Have Wisdom