You’re Going to Make It

The other day, I was on the phone, talking with my little sister.

As we were catching up, Madelynn, my now four-month-old baby, started crying. As her lip did her sad, exaggerated upside down frown (who knew she could literally get her mouth to frown like that?!), I sang her favorite little mantra: It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive. It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive. It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive…

And slowly, Madelynn started to calm down.

My sister, who hadn’t deserted me on the phone, chuckled when I got back on the line and said, “You know, I’ve been using that same mantra ever since I heard you say it to Baby Madelynn a couple months ago. And you wanna know something? It really works! I use it whenever I’m upset. I just say to myself, It’s OK. You’re gonna make it. You’re gonna survive. It’s OK. You’re gonna make it. You’re gonna survive. It’s OK. You’re gonna make it. You’re gonna survive... And I make it! I survive.”

In that moment, a huge smile spread across my tired, new-mom face. And I replied, “That is too funny! I love it. But, YES. Of course! You are making it. You are surviving! I never doubted that for a second.”

I share this with you today for the simple reason that you may need this little reminder too.

That it’s OK. That YOU ARE going to make it. That you are going to survive.

Because you are making it. You are surviving.

You are here.

So wherever you are in your food and body image healing journey, this is your loving reminder to show yourself some compassion. To give yourself a break. To look at ALL that’s going well for you (instead of all that’s not).

And in times when you need this little extra reminder, just repeat after me: It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive. It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive. It’s OK. You’re going to make it. You’re going to survive…

Because we all need this reminder at times. We all need to hear it’s going to be OK.

And then, when you’re ready and more calm, after you’ve used this new mantra of yours, come back to center and ask yourself, “What do I need right now to take care of me? To show up for myself? To just get through this moment?”

Maybe you need to just feel the feeling and move on with your day. Or, maybe you need to take a few deep breaths, go for a walk, journal, listen to a helpful podcast, or call a friend. There are many ways to caringly self-soothe.

Regardless of whatever you discover, I want you to know that it’s going to be OK. That you’re going to make it. And, you’re going to survive:)

You already are.

Big love,